Can youtube views go down?

If you pay attention to the view counts for videos on a YouTube channel you own, you might expect them to be relatively stable. After all, there doesn't seem to be a “negative view”, so the number should never go down. However, by monitoring a video for a few weeks, you can often see clearly that view counts go up and down, up and down, often in an unpredictable way. One reason for suddenly losing views is that the new videos simply push the winners for a few days.

If your older video gets a lot of views from Explore, on the viewers' home page, any new video promoted by YouTube will compete for those views. No, YouTube's algorithm hasn't changed. Every year in the fall, audience patterns decline during the week and increase on weekends. However, to maintain a smoother view counting experience, YouTube has decided to conduct ongoing audits and validations.

Declining YouTube views are a constant threat to creators, and some of them are something you have to get used to if you're going to have a channel. However, it's important to recognize the different reasons why YouTube views drop and distinguish between things you can control and things you can't. The extraordinary events of the past few months and their impact on YouTube views and subscribers may be obvious to some channels. One thing to note here is that you can use YouTube Analytics, which is a branch of Google Analytics natively available to content creators on YouTube, to see a more accurate version of the view counter.

These people saw that their videos worked unexpectedly well, and suddenly saw between 200 and 50,000 views disappear. For weeks, or even months, your YouTube views and subscribers have been growing, and you've been satisfied with your content strategy. The problem with this came from people watching their watch counts in real time or simply monitoring their video views on a daily basis. The best way to avoid losing views on your YouTube channel is to constantly produce new, high-quality videos.

They perform a first-pass audit on every view that receives a video, looking for all possible signs that the view is not legitimate. The fact is that many people complained that their views were disappearing, when in reality many points of view that never existed were denounced. They uploaded 12 videos and began to gain views and within a week they got between 300 and 500 views per video. Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube blog and check the guidelines that YouTube shares with you on a regular basis.

They would analyze the logs and behavior of both the old views that were registered and the new views that arrived while auditing everything. It's also where the most distress occurs when that video, the one that generates a third of your channel views and subscribers, suddenly loses thousands of views per day.